Sales Training

Sales Training and program Synopsis

Sales Fundamentals

Overcoming Objections

Targeted Prospecting

Time Management

Artful Listening & Inquiry Skills

How to make a compelling sales offer

Negotiation Skills

sales fundamentals

Sales Fundamentals

Although the definition of a sale is simple enough, the process of turning someone into a buyer can be very complex. It requires you to convince someone with a potential interest that there is something for them in making their interest concrete – something that merits spending some of their hard-earned money.
The Sales Fundamentals workshop will give participants a basic sales process, plus some basic sales tools, that they can use to seal the deal, no matter what the size of the sale. Your participants will become more confident, handle objections, and learning how to be a great closer.

overcoming objections

Overcoming Objections

Experiencing a sales objection can be a disheartening event. Through this course your participants will learn how to eliminate the objection and push through to get that sale. Even the best quality services or items can be turned down, and learning how to overcome these denials will be of great benefit.
Overcoming Sales Objections is an essential part of the sales process, as it will open up a whole new set of opportunities. It will produce new sales and provide an ongoing relationship with new clients. Objections will always occur no matter the item being sold or presented.


Targeted Prospecting

Targeted Prospecting will address how to develop a better message that will ensure a return call from your prospect. We will discuss the importance of follow-up and review some unique techniques for the sales rep to use. The program will present ideas on how to pitch less and probe more while building loyalty through entanglement.
Coaching, Mentoring, & Managing
The Coaching, Mentoring, & Managing workshop focuses on how to better coach your employees to higher performance. We will discuss the major differences between Coaching, Mentoring, & Managing. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you coach is related directly to how well you are able to foster a great working relationship with your employees through understanding them and strategic goal setting.

time management

Time Management

Personal time management skills are essential for professional success in any workplace. Those able to successfully implement time management strategies are able to control their workload rather than spend each day in a frenzy of activity reacting to crisis after crisis – stress declines and personal productivity soars! These highly effective individuals are able to focus on the tasks with the greatest impact to them and their organization.
The Time Management workshop will cover strategies to help participants learn these crucial strategies. Your participants will be given a skill set that include personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. We’ll cover all this and more during this workshop.

listening and inquiry skills

Artful Listening & Inquiry Skills

This module will provide insights into effective inquiry & listening skills. We will present ways to improve the inquiry & listening skills of the participants so they can get their customers to comfortably disclose important information.
By the end of this program, the attendees will:
Know how to listen attentively
Will learn the art of asking smart questions
Master the technique of asking linking questions
How to avoid word traps that sometimes cause confusion

Sales offer

How to Make a Compelling Sales Offer

This 1-hour program will provide a collaborative method that enables a salesperson and the customer to reach an agreement and close the sale. Attendees will learn how to collaborate with clients and eliminates the old school style of manipulation. We will explain the difference between alignment & agreement. The program will also introduce the advocacy method of presenting a Compelling Offer to a client.


Negotiation Skills

Although people often think of boardrooms, suits, and million dollar deals when they hear the word negotiation, the truth is that we negotiate all the time. Through this workshop the participants will be able to understand the basic types of negotiations, the phases of negotiations, and the skills needed for successful negotiating.
The Negotiation Skills workshop will give your participants a sense of understanding their opponent and have the confidence to not settle for less than they feel is fair. Your participants will learn that an atmosphere of respect is essential, as uneven negations could lead to problems in the future.

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